肖勇 广东省广州市番禺区大学城中山大学
2011.09—2015.06 中山大学软件学院 软件工程 计算机应用软件 本科
* 做事认真细致,性格温和,在团队工作中可以很好地与他人合作沟通
* 喜爱羽毛球、跑步等运动,对学习和工作保持兴趣和激情,对未知的知识有强烈好奇心
* 对计算机编程、移动应用开发(Android开发)等有浓厚兴趣,享受解决问题带来的乐趣
* GPA保持在班级前20%,计算机基础知识扎实,具备良好的编程习惯和编码风格
* 熟练掌握java、C、C++等编程语言及相关设计模式,有一定android开发(一年左右)经验
* 良好的英语读写能力,雅思成绩6.5,具备查阅StackOverflow等英文网站资料解决问题的能力
* 熟练使用office办公软件以及常用思维导图软件
1. 2014.10—2015.04 软件开发实习生 Kactus Limited
负责开发一款餐厅食用油循环回收电子管理系统, 该系统开发任务包含配置Linux服务器环境, 开发后端订单管理系统、数据API Service以及移动端App, 目前该系统已应用于全香港100余家餐厅
服务器架构: Centos+LAMP, 后台管理系统和API采用PHP+MySQL+JQuery开发; 并学习React Native技术开发移动端响应式Web网页以及跨平台应用
2. 2014.10—2015.04 移动应用开发实习生 百度移动搜索事业部
- 开发短信管理模块,采用观察者模式监听短信数据库变化,封装实现短信操作常用工具类(如标为已读、删除短信、获取短信详情等),并实现手机端和手表端短信状态发生变化时能相互实时通知并更新短信数据库
- 学习使用MVC模式开发应用,不同模块负责不同的任务,代码逻辑清晰;采用工厂模式来实例化不同的view模板,增强程序的可拓展性
- Activity与Fragment的组合使用以及android各类UI控件的使用,并学习使用和修改第三方开源控件,了解其工作原理
- 根据需求实现自定义View,了解View的绘制原理及相关函数,通过继承Layout组合控件、继承View绘制自定义组件
单人快速研发一款基于百度地图的运动健康类APP Demo,主体功能包括实时绘制运动路线、计算运动距离和速度并实时更新显示、存储运动历史数据和运动轨迹图便于用户查看等
3. 2014.07—2014.09 android开发实习生 佳学教育科技有限公司
- Android四大基本组件的使用以及java多线程下载任务管理:为每一个下载任务开一个线程,利用content-provider和SQLite数据库存储每个下载任务的下载信息,利用service来实时更新下载任务的状态以及进行java多线程编程的各种异常处理
- 了解android网络通信机制,实现该应用的服务端与客户端数据交互模块;学习使用Volley网络通信库进行网络操作异步获取服务端数据,并将客户端得到的json数据解析为entity显示到UI;学会使用Android-Universal-Image-Loader来异步加载图片,提高效率节约资源
- 该应用针对不同屏幕分辨率和大小的pad端和手机端的屏幕适配,以便达到最佳用户视觉体验
- xml布局优化:尽量使用RelativeLayout,减少嵌套布局层次,将可复用的组件抽取出来并通过include标签使用,减少冗余代码
学习浏览器缓存机制并应用到android应用的缓存机制,通过解析服务端响应消息头字段Expires; Cache-control等来判断数据是否需要缓存以及缓存时间,针对不同的数据采用内存缓存或者文件缓存,以便下次打开应用可以直接获取缓存而不需要再向服务器请求,减轻服务器压力,提高响应效率
4. 2013.09—2014.06 java程序开发 中山大学智能信息处理实验室
- 该项目旨在实现一个面向新浪微博平台中食品安全相关信息的主题爬虫,该多线程爬虫可以对网络信息进行定时并行提取和处理,采用Jsoup解析网页节点结构提取需要内容, 再对中文内容采用Ansj分词技术提取关键词并存储到mysql数据库, 需要处理的问题包括: 线程池同步与资源同步、爬取url去重与剪枝等
1. 2012.07—2014.02 中山大学SIFE团队项目专员
- 负责公益项目”美丽新灵”的前期实地调研,一学期之内出校实地调研十余次;
2. 2012.07—2013.07 中山大学Maxcell协会副会长
- 负责协会校内活动的筹备与举办,协调各部门之间关系以及协会与校团委间的沟通
3. 2013.04—2014.02 广州市湘籍学友会副会长
- 团结与联系广州市各大高校湘籍学子,参与组织学友会篮球赛、名人讲座等活动
4. 2013.08—2013.09 衡阳市大学生联合会支教队员
- 作为一名支教队员在暑假期间前往耒阳市横岭镇中心小学教五年级数学,在支教过
* 2014.09 高德地图LBS开发大赛全国八强
* 2012.09 && 2013.09 中山大学优秀学生奖学金
* 2012.09 软件学院优秀学长
* 2013.09 中山大学优秀团员
* 2011-09 参与运营的公益项目“健多识广”入围“谷歌益暖中华公益大赛优秀奖”,并当选为“希望工程激励行动项目”
Tel: 15521041680
Email: xiaoy24charles@qq.com
Yong Xiao
Rm517, No.6, Shensiyuan, Higher Education Mega Center, Panyu District, Guangzhou, China
E-mail: xiaoy24charles@qq.com
Phone: 0086-15521041680
The School of Software, Sun Yat-sen University Sept. 2011 - Present
- BEng in Software Engineering
- Overall GPA: 3.6/4.0
- Core Courses:Programming in High-level Language, Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, Computer Networks, Operating Systems
1. Programmer, Kactus Limited , Hong Kong, Oct 2015 - Mar 2016
Developed Oil Recycle System for more than one hundred restaurants in Hong Kong. Including deploy Linux server environment, develop order management web system, database and mobile App
Hand-coded the web management system via PHP, and used JavaScript language, jQuery frame and MySQL database to handle and store data; Studied the Facebook React Native technology to develop responsive web pages and mobile Apps
2. Baidu Company, Beijing, China, Oct 2014 - Apri 2015, development Intern, Mobile search department
- Participated in developing a smart watch system based on Android—-DuWear, responsible for SMS Management Module; And used MVC framework & Factory Pattern to make program more explicit and extensible
- Developed an application for new lock screen features called “BaiDuSuoPing”, responsible for using Android UI widget, view module and implement customized view
- Developed an application about sports and health based on BaiDu Map by myself
3. JiaXue Company, Guangzhou, China, July 2014 - Sept 2014, Summer Intern, Android development department
- Developed an online education application similar with Coursera
- Studied HTTP Protocol and the browser’s caching mechanism for data interaction with server, learned to use java multithread、Android service、SQLite and other relevant knowledge
- Developed an application for studying the phonetic symbol
4. Global IELTS Education, Guangzhou, China, July 2013 - Sept 2013, Summer Intern, Marketing department
- Composed market inspection report in both English and Chinese on the basis of market research and analysis
- Wrote articles of important activities publicity and attracted many participants
5. GuangYinWangShi, Guangzhou, China, Nov 2013 - Feb 2014, Product Intern, Product department
- Collected the user demands and feedbacks, conducted data analysis, and put forward valuable suggestion on products
- Successfully enhanced user engagement by conducting my effective product promotion plan
1. Assistant, The HKUST Indoor Localization Project, Sept 2015 - Feb 2016
- Aimed to set up location-based services(LBS) to offer indoor localization, tracking and navigation, create business opportunities by mobile accesspoint and device
- Developed and optimized an energy-efficient light-weigh algorithm that can help mobile accesspoint and device use battery rationally and efficiently
2. The Intelligent Information Process Laboratory, July 2013 - July 2014, Assistant, Internet Information Monitoring Project of Agricultural Products
- Modified a crawler frame called Heritrix and improved its efficiency
- Used htmlparser to extract and process the information from internet
- Wrote Java multithreaded applications to crawl multiple-page information at the same time
Excellent Student Scholarship, 2011-2012 & 2012-2013
Outstanding senior student in the School of Software, 2013
Member of “the national top8 team” in Gao De LBS App development contest
Member of “Caring for China - the Google China Social Innovation Cup” finalist
Member in “Athlete times” project, funded by “Young Changemakers Project”
Successful Participant Scholarship in National College Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 2014
1. Voluntary activities supporting country education, Aug 2014
- Delivered knowledge of mathematics, widened children’s horizons, intrigued children’s learning interest and gave presentations to public
2. GDTSI social survey activities, Nov 2013
- A survey about tourist satisfaction of Tourist attractions held by Sun Yat-sen Business School
- Collected data from tourists, used statistics-analyzing software such as SPSS to analyze data
3. SIFE(students in free enterprise) project executive, 2012 – 2013
- Operated a public welfare project, of which the aim is to improve spiritual and material life of people with mental disabilities via training them with manual skills
- Conducted information investigation more than ten times within one semester, designed project plan, organized the training on manual skills
4.Vice-president, Maxcell Association Sun Yat-sen University, 2012 – 2013
- Organized various association activities, such as “IT service week”(Providing computer repairing service for students) and “IT lectures”(popularizing the latest science and technology information to students)
- Coordinated the relationship among departments of association, led members of association to participate in the micro-movie contest and won the second group prize
Proficient in Java, C, C++, Python, SQL, Android programming, Microsoft Office